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The Great Awakening!

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The Great Awakening

What makes more sense: 

Billionaires paying millionaires to provide TRUTH to the people, or 

Billionaires paying millionaires to deceive the people?

They say perception is reality. 

What happens when the handlers of our news and entertainment become incentivized by power, money, and greed to deceive the masses?

Does deception become reality? 

Who does the mainstream media take orders from?

What is Operation Mockingbird? 

For 3 years the “journalists” in our media and “public servants” in our government claimed to have substantial evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy. 

Somehow, there are still people who believe this! 

How is that possible?

Here is an example of how Operation Mockingbird can be used.

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Fast forward to 2020 and the same “journalists” and “public servants” pushed for the illegitimate impeachment of President Trump, accusing him of quid pro quo because of a phone call with the President of Ukraine regarding actual quid pro quo committed by Joe Biden, which he graciously brags about here.

What was firing the prosecutor about? We’ll get to that later.

Can you imagine if President Trump said this?

And then, COVID. We know it can be lethal. 

However we’ve learned it has >1% mortality rate and over 90% of COVID deaths are attributed to 2-3 other comorbidities like the flu, pneumonia, respiratory disease, diabetes, amongst others.

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html – Infection Fatality Ratio ranges from .00003-.054.

https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm – Comorbidities: 94% of COVID deaths attributed to 2-3 additional conditions or causes per death.

The current number of deaths attributed to COVID in the US is roughly 230,000.

Does this mean less than 15,000 Americans have died from COVID alone?

On March 8th, 2020, Fauci told us masks are NOT effective. Who is Fauci and who is he connected to?

Here is Fauci explaining the inefficiency of masks.

Yet nearly a year later mask mandates are being implemented.

And worldwide lockdowns are again are being implemented. 

And stay-at-home orders and curfews are being imposed. 

Now they say masks ARE effective so we should wear them.

If masks work, what’s the point of lockdowns? If masks don’t work, what’s the point of masks?

What’s the price we are paying?

Hasn’t the damage done to our economy and in particular small businesses been bad enough? Shouldn’t Americans, in the land of the free, have the liberty to operate their business and go about their lives understanding the risks and facts about COVID?

If you would rather stay inside and wear a mask for one reason or another, you should have the choice to do that too. But does the government have the authority to impose unconstitutional lockdowns which continue to devastate working class America?

Restaurants can’t even have 25% indoor capacity? Have you seen the suicide rates since March of 2020?

The last lockdown started with 15 days to slow the spread. How long did it last? Now they’re imposing 3 week lockdowns. How long do people realistically expect that to last?

If the first lockdown worked, why a second one? If the first lockdown didn’t work, why a second one? Did Amazon, the big-tech companies, and the central banks not gain enough off the last lockdown? Did the governments not produce enough Trillions of Dollars in stimulus?

Really, what is the point of all of this? If you do due diligence on this document and beyond, you will soon know. The first step is: Think for yourself.

Let’s talk money.

Did you know since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the US dollar has lost over 95% of its value? The current US National Debt is $27 Trillion Dollars. So what does that mean for the worth of our currency? What even is money? Doesn’t it cost relatively the same amount of money to print a $1 bill and a $100 bill? Normally Net Profit Margin = Revenue – Cost / Revenue. But the Federal Reserve prints green paper for less than 20¢ whether they sell it for $1 or $100. US currency isn’t even backed by precious metals like gold and silver anymore. We abandoned the Gold Standard in 1971 and have yet to go back. What is interest? What is usury? What is the Federal Reserve and is there anything federal about it or is it a separate entity? 

Did you know the three wealthiest men in America who opposed the Federal Reserve happened to perish on the Titanic in 1912? Below are pictures these men: Jacob Astor, Isador Straus, and Benjamin Guggenheim.

The central bankers had different ideas.

The Federal Reserve was created less than one year later in 1913.

Federal income tax was enacted 2 months later.

WWI started one year later in 1914.

So what does this green paper even worth? What is a human construct?

Here’s a video outlining the Federal Reserve.

Have you ever wondered why this pyramid with the “all-seeing eye” is featured on our currency? Our “Federal Reserve Notes”?

Novus Ordo Seclorum?

What is “truth in plain sight”?

Has the 2-party system failed us? What if I told you there’s no longer such thing as Republican and Democrat, and that bad actors in both parties are puppets working for the same handlers? What is a divide and conquer scheme and what are some relevant examples in history and present-day? They want us divided. Divided by religion, race, sex, political affiliation, class — anything to keep us fighting ourselves.

In 1768 one of our Founding Fathers, John Dickson, wrote a pre-Revolutionary War song titled, “The Liberty Song”. Here’s one line. “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.”

Strap in and stay with me Patriots. 🇺🇸

This extensive review is necessarily detailed to be used as a key for those in need as the The Great Awakening unfolds.

I made this to share with my family and friends and for you to share it with yours.

I promise our story has a good ending.

The Book of Luke tells us, “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact vs. fiction?

In Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, he writes to know thy enemy. Shall we take a peek at our common enemy?

Those involved in the globalist cabal, or Deep State, work hand-in-hand with the Devil. 

The cabal, or secret political clique or faction, sadly controls all levers of society including government, the central banking system, the military industrial complex, the education (indoctrination) system, the medical system, religion, and the news, big-tech apps, entertainment, and food we consume daily. 

They’ve successfully maintained control for centuries. Their margin of wealth and influence has increased exponentially over time, and now they want to use COVID to usher in a New World Order, or, The Great Reset. This would comprise of a one world government / military (no more United States of America) and restricted freedoms and rights of the average person who simply wants to spend their life at peace while pursuing happiness. 

President Dwight Eisenhower tried to warn us about this in his 1961 exit speech.

Here’s a recent TIME Magazine cover from November of 2020.

Doesn’t seem too bad, does it?

What is socialism? What is communism? What is globalism? What are some relevant examples from history and present-day?

What is a false flag operation and what are some relevant examples from history and present-day? USS Liberty? Operation Northwoods? Worse?

What is the Hegelian Dialect and what are some relevant examples from history and present-day? What is the Patriot Act? Sounds patriotic, doesn’t it?

What is propaganda and what are some relevant examples from history and present-day?

This is a good time to remember most people are good at heart and uphold righteous values like honor and integrity. There are good people currently fighting the good fight and the good will soon prevail. However, those who are motivated by power, money, and greed have risen and remained at the top of each lever for many years.

Is it possible the same groups of people gained influence and profited off both sides of WWI, WWII, and the present-day 20 year war that has ravaged the Middle East? Wouldn’t it make sense if prominent families in the early stages of religion, central banks, and industry became wealthier and more powerful over time, and remain in power today?

What is a Manchurian candidate and what are some relevant examples in history and present-day?

Who owns the central banks? Does the name Rothschild ring a bell?

Who owns the healthcare and education systems? How about the oil industry? Does the name Rockefeller ring a bell?

Here is David Rockefeller’s leaked 1991 speech thanking the media for their complicity in misleading the masses.

Who are the Vanderbilts? CNN anchor Anderson Cooper makes over $10 Million Dollars per year and has a net worth of over $200 Million Dollars. That’s a lot of money for a news anchor.

What is the Central Intelligence Agency?

What is the CIA’s involvement in the mainstream media and Hollywood?

By the way, what was Operation Paperclip? Never learned about that in school.

Make no doubt about it, this is war. Unlike violent wars where guns and missiles are used as weapons, we are currently living through information warfare. Information is the weapon and We, The People, or the 99%, are the target. 

Here’s a video of Prince talking about this war in 1999.

“Y’all saw The Matrix. There’s a war going on. The battlefield’s the mind and the prize is the soul. So be careful, be very careful.”

Have you seen The Matrix?

Coincidence The Matrix grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Does this sound familiar?

I wonder where they derived that idea from.

Which character are you? Neo or just another Mr. Smith? The choice to know is yours.

6 companies own over 90% of the media.

What is Operation Mockingbird? 

This graphic was created in 2012 and they’ve only consolidated more since.

So that’s who owns NBC, FOX, ABC, CNN, amongst other sources of news and entertainment.

What’s their agenda?

Does the media provoke free thought and individualism or groupthink and herd mentality? 

What is Operation Mockingbird? 

“Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Or does it?

If you control the narrative, you control the people. 

Who owns Big-Tech?

That’s pretty weird.

Who owns Twitter? Did you know Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal invested $300 Million Dollars into Twitter in 2011?

Who is Jack Dorsey?

Who owns Facebook? Is Mark Zuckerburg as innocent as The Social Network makes him out to be?

Why does Amazon have a $600 Million Dollar contract with the CIA?

Who owns Netflix? What former politician(s) has a current contract with Netflix?

Who do Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Netflix take orders from?

What is censorship and what are some relevant examples from history and present-day? What is shadowbanning?

It is clear to many this is also Spiritual Warfare of Biblical proportions between the powers and good and evil.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, known for his role in the Vatican leaks, has written several very interesting letters to President Trump and the American people lately. These letters outline, in great detail, the Deep State’s plan of The Great Reset and this ongoing battle between children of darkness and children of light. These letters are compelling. Take a look for yourself.

https://stpeterschulte.com/news/bulletin/2390-letter-carlo-maria-vigano/file – Viganò letter to President Trump in June.

https://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-32-friday-october-30-2020-vigano-to-trump/ – Viganò letter to President Trump in October. (Scroll to the bottom)

Here’s a video of Viganò discussing, in great detail, the Deep State’s plan of The Great Reset in late October.

https://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-34-thursday-november-5-2020-no-clarity/ – Viganò message to American Catholics and to All Americans of Goodwill discussing voter fraud on November 4th. (Scroll to the bottom)

It seems like this guy is really trying to tell us something.

As the Book of John tells us, the truth will set us free. I look forward to the imminent revelations God has in store for mankind and the unleashing of the globalist cabal’s grip on us once and for all.

This unleashing was triggered by Donald J. Trump upsetting Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Remember when the media and polls told us Hillary was going to win in an electoral landslide but then the opposite happened?

https://www.thewrap.com/every-poll-that-got-election-wrong-donald-trump/ – Every poll that got 2016 election wrong.

Remember when the media, celebrities, and government officials swore Trump would never be President?

Here’s a 6 minute video.

Remember when the media swore the walls were closing in on the Trump presidency the entirety of his first term?

Here’s a 3 minute video.

It’s almost like these people are being paid to repeat the same things over and over until we believe it.

What is Operation Mockingbird?

How do the handlers of our society keep the 99% fat, happy, distracted, an uninformed?

Does this sound familiar?

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact vs. fiction?

So President Trump upset Hillary Clinton.

Yes, the same Hillary Clinton known for her roles in Benghazi, The Uranium One Deal, the Haiti-Clinton Foundation travesty, the Fast and Furious scandal, being married to a cheater and alleged pedophile, defending a proven rapist in her first court case and laughing about the victim on audio, guilty of tampering of evidence like her emails and devices, among many other things. Does criminal immunity exist? Who is Huma Abedin? Anthony Weiner? What brotherhood is Huma Abedin connected to? What’s on the Weiner laptop?

Who is Hillary’s mentor and the man she wrote her senior thesis on?

What’s Saul Alinsky all about?

Was Hillary a Manchurian candidate?

Also, why was she so friendly with former KKK leader Robert Byrd?


By the way, what’s the difference between “extremely careless” and “grossly negligent”? James Comey might know negligence holds people accountable for their crimes and carelessness lets them off the hook. Why is James Comey’s name spelled James “Corney” in official government documents?

Who was responsible for leaking the DNC server to WikiLeaks? Was it Russia like our honest and trustworthy media told us?

This video of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, discussing the death of DNC staffer Seth Rich certainly raises an eyebrow.

Who was Seth Rich and why is this significant?

Hillary Clinton won the seat of the NY Senate in 2000, 1 year after the death of JFK Jr.

Was JFK Jr. planning to run for NY Senate which would have led to a destined Presidency? What did JFK Jr. know about his father’s death? What was JFK Jr.’s relationship with Donald Trump? One of JFK Jr.’s life goals was to account for the men responsible for his father’s death. That makes sense. But then JFK Jr. died tragically, never to be seen again.

 Family curse or coordinated? By who? Why?

Is it possible JFK Jr. knew of this plan and faked his death?

By the way, who did kill JFK? Coordinated? By who? The quote below is a bit concerning considering what happened.

Was JFK up against his own intelligence agency?

Could the same thing be happening today?

Robert F. Kennedy recently stated that JFK’s death was not only a conspiracy but also a coup d’état. A pretty stunning statement, but something every American probably knew already and just didn’t want to admit. JFK refused to be a puppet controlled by the cabal and paid the ultimate price.

Was George H.W. Bush at all involved in JFK’s death?

What was Executive Order 11110 and who opposed it? Debt-free money around the fed?

What was Operation Northwoods?

Here’s an interesting speech by JFK before he died.

JFK: “The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are, as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings.”

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? Coordinated? By who? Why?

By the way, who killed MLK Jr.? Coordinated? By who? Why?

What did his family’s 1999 civil court case say?

https://thekingcenter.org/conspiracy-trial/ – Mrs. Coretta Scott King: “The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.”

Who killed Princess Diana? Coordinated? By who? Why?

Princess Diana – “The establishment wouldn’t want me to be Queen.”

Would you believe the cabal has made several assassination attempts on President Trump and has failed each time?

Back to the Bush’s. What is the Bush Dynasty? What is the Skull & Bones Society? Rockefellers? Who was Samuel Bush? Did Prescott Bush profit off both sides of war?

What was George H.W. Bush’s job when JFK was killed? CIA? He hired Cubans?

Here’s a picture of George H.W. Bush and his buddy David Rockefeller.

While we’re on the subject of H.W., what was the Nayirah testimony?

George H.W. Bush used this video as a primary reason to back Kuwait in the Gulf War.

Nayirah testimony: “Babies in incubators.”

Turns out she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States.

Was George H.W. Bush a Manchurian candidate?

Was George W. Bush a Manchurian candidate?

Was George W. Bush at all involved in JFK Jr.’s death?

Marvin Bush was on the Board of Directors at Securacom. Why is this significant? Does criminal immunity exist?

What was in the envelopes at George H.W. Bush’s funeral? Who all got the envelopes?

The more you know. `

Did you know Barack Obama is related to the Bush’s? Who is Stanley Ann Dunham? 

Who is Barack Huissen Obama? Charming, well-spoken, a political rockstar.

The sad reality is Obama is not what the American public were made to believe. What did Obama do for his hometown Chicago during his 8 years in the Oval Office?

Who are Obama’s parents and who were they connected to? CIA?

Who funded Obama’s Harvard education? Remember that Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal guy?

By the way, who owns the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas?

Why is this significant? Deadliest shooting in modern day US history?

Was Obama a Manchurian candidate?

Why did Obama, in his final days of office, send the Palestinian Authority $221 Million Dollars?  Why did President Trump freeze this payment?

What was the Iran deal about? $150 Billion Dollars and $1.7 Billion Dollars in cash? Why did Iran require cash opposed to traceable money? What does money buy? Where was the money sent? How is blackmail used?

The Uranium One Deal with Rosatom sent 20% of the US’s uranium to Russia for $145 Million Dollars. How much of that money was kicked back to the Clinton Foundation?

What can Russia make with uranium? Does criminal immunity exist?

Who is Stanley Ann Dunham? What is a CIA honeypot?

Why did the media cover this up?

What is propaganda and what are some relevant examples in history and present-day? Is propaganda legal in the United States?

What was the 2012 Smith-Mundt Modernization Act?

Why was Donald Trump so hell-bent on Obama’s birth certificate?

Who was Loretta Fuddy?

Here’s a video of her before she died from “heart complications” when her plane made an emergency landing in the Pacific Ocean. Is that a person in scuba gear?

Why did Obama choose the name “Renegade” as his USSS codename? Define “renegade”.

What is this book about?

I could go into way more detail about Obama but I’ll just scratch the surface with Obamagate. 

But before that let me ask who is Larry Sinclair? He’s got some interesting stories.

2008 – Larry Sinclair on personal experiences with Obama.

2020 – Larry Sinclair on personal experiences with Obama.

Also, did you know Obama flew in $65,000 of pizza and hot dogs for a private party at the White House?

https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1223066_re-get-ready-for-chicago-hot-dog-friday-.html – Pizza/dogs Wikileaks Email

That’s a lot of money for pizza and hot dogs.

Here’s Joan Rivers claiming Obama is gay and Michelle is a “tranny” 2 months before her death.

Did these comments get Joan Rivers killed?

What is the probability of Joan Rivers dying the way she did?

Have you ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? In a swimsuit?

No baby bump but several videos of another type of bump? Several videos of Obama accidentally saying, “Michael” instead of “Michelle?”

Who are Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt?

Anyways, have you paid attention to Obamagate?

Well, the Obama administration deployed and carried out an operation to illegally spy on President Trump and his campaign before and after the election. Another word for that is treason. What is the punishment for treason?

Yes, treason.

Here are all of President Trump’s tweets regarding treason.

Do you realize how serious of an accusation this is?

Who else was involved? CIA? FBI? DOJ? NSA? Foreign intelligence? What is MI-6?

Here is President Trump accusing Obama of committing the greatest crime in American history.

Here is President Trump saying, “Treason, treason, it’s treason… Let’s see what happens to them now.”

President Trump names names: “They all knew about it… I think it was the political crime of the century and they’ve been caught. So let’s see what happens to them all.”

Barack Hussein Obama. Joe Biden. James Comey. John Brennan. James Clapper. Lisa Page. Peter Strzok. Andrew McCabe. Bruce Ohr. Nellie Ohr. Susan Rice. Hillary Clinton. Robert Mueller. Huma Abedin. John Podesta. Eric Holder. The list goes on.

Remember these names. Soon, all of these individuals will be known as treasonous traitors.

This has been public knowledge for several years now. I remember the day I learned this news and my heart sunk. How could our own government agencies conspire to do such a thing? What was the Steele dossier? Christopher Steele wrote it. Who paid for it? Clinton Foundation? How long did the FBI know? What were the consequences for the Trump administration? Carter Page? George Popadopoulos? Roger Stone? What is FISA abuse? What was the “insurance policy” Lisa Page and Peter Strzok texted about? Russia?

How about this gem?

What do you know about the General Michael Flynn case?

Why did the Deep State try to take Flynn out?

Flynn knows where the bodies are buried.

The good news for us is, President Trump and the good guys caught them all.

Here is President Trump saying, “I caught the Swamp, I caught them all.”

You can watch a detailed documentary of Obamagate below.

https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Against-President-Devin-Nunes/dp/B08LMJ93LL – The Plot Against the President.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.


Let’s touch on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It’s hard to fathom the amount of support the man who drafted the 1994 Crime Bill and the former Attorney General of California received. Joe Biden, who drafted the 1994 Crime Bill, the man who supported segregation, and user of the term “predators” with no “conscious” to describe black people, received more votes than Obama in 2008 and President Trump in 2020?

Not likely. What is Dominion Voting? What did Joe Biden do for the black community in his 47 years as a public servant and 8 years as Vice President? Is Joe Biden a Manchurian candidate? Is Kamala a Manchurian candidate?

Who remembers Kamala challenging Joe’s impact on the black community?

Here is Kamala Harris saying, “That little girl was me.”

Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and President Trump said any of these things below?

By the way, who is Tara Reade?

Why are names like Stormy Daniels and Christine Blasey Ford household names but Tara Reade is not?

Why did people get upset when Donald Trump said on audio “grab her by the p**sy” but it was okay when Joe Biden was accused of doing just that by his former staffer, Tara Reade?

Kamala Harris even stated she believes Joe Biden’s accusers.

Why did the media cover this story up? Poor woman.

Let’s talk more about Kamala Harris. Did you know one of her ancestors was a prominent plantation and slave owner? Do you think you would know if Donald Trump had prominent plantation and slave owners in his ancestry? What was Brown’s Town? Ironic name considering the way Kamala accelerated her career. Who was Willie Brown?

So thanks to Willie she becomes Attorney General of California and, well, I’ll let Tulsi Gabbard take it away.

These two people have effectively used their power in government to enhance the ever-increasing incarceration rate in America by establishing and enforcing prejudiced laws that arrest black and Hispanic people at disproportionate rates compared to white people.

Why was it so important to take the father out of the black community?

What was the War on Drugs about?

Who is Rick Ross?

No, not the rapper. The one the rapper got his name from: Freeway Ricky Ross.

Who was Gary Webb and who killed him?

What is the 13th amendment?

Are private prisons profitable?

Back to Joe and Kamala.

Why did BLM, celebrities, and the media support these perpetrators of systemic racism in America? Did I mention Biden drafted the 1994 Crime Bill?

Where did the Millions of Dollars raised for BLM go? Did it go to stopping police brutality? Black communities?

What is ActBlue?

Why have former BLM leaders left in disgust and disbelief?

What if I told you old, racist white men were actually funding and organizing BLM?


Do black lives matter? Of course.

The real question is: Do the people funding and organizing BLM think black lives matter?

What is Antifa? I’ll give you a hint, it’s a domestic terrorist organization.

What are Antifa’s origins?

Who is funding and organizing Antifa?

What is Marxism?

Look what transpired in our inner cities throughout America this past summer.

“Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests”

Were these riots coordinated? By who? Why?

Property damage, violence, and looting? If you’re condoning, supporting, or partaking in these things, are you sure you’re on the right side of the history?

Look at what prominent politicians and celebrities donated and raised money to bail these criminals out of jail.

Here’s your one get out of free jail card: Brought to you by the Deep State and their DC and Hollywood puppets.

Look at how, leading up to November 3rd, our inner cities boarded up businesses in anticipation for more riots.

While we’re on the subject, how come people called President Trump racist when he called rioters thugs but it was okay when Obama called rioters thugs in the 2015 Baltimore riots? 

Is Trump actually racist or is that just what they want you to think?

Employment rates and liberties for every race, religion, and creed were at all-time highs and our economy was as strong as ever before COVID came around.

Why did it take until the Trump administration to pass bipartisan criminal justice reform? Did you hear about the First Step Act on the news? Why couldn’t Obama and Biden get it done? What did Obama do for his hometown Chicago during his 8 years in the Oval Office? Have you heard about the weekly shooting numbers in Chicago? 

Have you heard about the Trump Administration’s $500 Billion Dollar economic plan designed to boost opportunities for Black Americans? Did you hear about the Platinum Plan on the news?

Why have our most impoverished, crime ridden, and lowest educated cities all been controlled by the same political party for the past 60 years? Coincidence? How much money have well-known career politicians acquired through their years of being “public servants” while their cities and constituents suffer? Who keeps electing these people? What are lobbyists? What’s the difference between a democracy and a corporatocracy? Have most career politicians been bought and paid for?  The swamp runs deep.

Click the link below to see a thread of Biden and Harris’ properties.

Why is the word politician synonymous with the word corruption? What is pay to play politics?

How much do the Clintons get paid to speak at events?

Ask yourself. How much wealth have these individuals amassed from their careers in politics? Take a look at career politician’s net worth before entering politics and now.

Look up any career politician’s homes. What do they look like compared to yours?

These people are “public servants”?

Why did Donald Trump promise to “Drain The Swamp”?

Why would Donald Trump run for President in the first place? His wealth has only gotten less since entering office. Usually it’s the other way around in a big way.

Have you paid attention to the numerous Peace Deals President Trump has recently brokered in the Middle East?

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-announcing-normalization-relations-israel-united-arab-emirates/ – August of 2020 – Remarks by President Trump Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-brokered-historic-deal-israel-kingdom-bahrain/ – September 11, 2020 – President Donald J. Trump Has Brokered a Historic Deal Between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-brokers-historic-peace-agreement-israel-sudan/ – October of 2020 – President Donald J. Trump Brokers a Historic Peace Agreement Between Israel and Sudan

Why was Obama awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize after just 1 year in the Oval Office? Did Obama create more peace or further escalate war?

Why did it take until the Trump administration to bring peace to the Middle East?

Behind the orders of Commander in Chief Trump, the US successfully wiped out ISIS.

Who armed and funded ISIS? Don’t tell me it was members of our own government.

Here’s a tweet from ____ ______ in 2013. We don’t say his name.

“Important visit with brave fighters in #Syria who are risking their lives for freedom and need our help”.

He actually tweeted this.

Who is he with?

Let’s take a closer look.

Does the name Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ring a bell?

What is the Muslim Brotherhood? Huma?

Here are some interesting videos of Meghan McCain and John Kasich discussing No Name’s death.

“You can’t kill him again but whatever.” – Meghan McCain

“It’s been 24 hours since they put ____ _______ to death.” – John Kasich

Why did it take until the Trump Administration to destroy the caliphate?

Why has Donald Trump repeatedly called Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton the founders of ISIS?

Why did it take until the Trump administration to meet with the leader of North Korea? Why did it take until the Trump administration to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula? Who controlled North Korea before the Trump administration cleaned it out? CIA? Is Kim Jong-Un a “boogeyman”?

Is it possible Donald Trump was recruited by honorable military intelligence members to run for President in order to restore power to the people and create world peace by taking down the cabal?

Why does President Trump emphasize the US having the greatest military in the history of the world?

What is a military tribunal?

Why did it take until the Trump administration to start bringing our troops home after 20 years of endless wars?

What was the War on Terror about?

How have the central banks benefited from the War on Terror?

Why did the US go to war in the Middle East in the first place?

Weapons of Mass Destruction like they told us?

Did you know a third building fell in NYC on 9/11? In addition to the Twin Towers (WTC1 and WTC2), World Trade Center 7 also fell to the ground that day.

Here’s a video of BBC reporting that WTC7 has collapsed with WTC7 still standing in the background. Notice how WTC7 cleanly falls into its own footprint?

What is a smoking gun? Too many to count.

They recovered hijacker’s paper passports unscathed at ground zero?

But they were unable to recover a single black box?

There is so much the general public does not know about this day in our history.

Who was responsible for 9/11?

What do the 28 pages say? – https://28pages.org/the-declassified-28-pages/

Were bombs used?

What did the firefighter witnesses say?

What do the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth say? https://www.ae911truth.org/

Who controlled NIST?

How long were the planes in the air?

Where was NORAD?

How on earth was the Pentagon hit by a commercial airliner?

No defense?

Have you seen the “only video” of the plane hitting the Pentagon?

Did you know that the 28 pages show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the attacks?

The Director of the FBI kept this covered up for years.

His name?

Robert Mueller.

Mueller is also known for his role as special counsel overseeing the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory investigation that cost American taxpayers $32 Million Dollars and further divided the country.

One plane was allowed to leave the United States on the evening of 9/11. Who was on the plane?

Was Osama Bin Ladin a “boogeyman”?

Boy it took a long time for the US to find that guy.

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, announced the Pentagon was missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars. Was the timing of this announcement a coincidence?

Who is Larry Silverstein? He purchased the lease of the World Trade Center in July of 2001, 2 months prior to 9/11. This was the first time in the complex’s 31-year history that it had changed management. He bulked up the complex’s terrorism insurance and recouped over $4 Billion Dollars following the attacks. Then he got to develop and rebuild the World Trade Center to his liking. By the way, did the World Trade Center have asbestos?

Marvin Bush was on the Board of Directors at Securacom, also known as Stratesec.

Securacom provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. Two of the flights on 9/11 were United Airlines and one took off from Dulles International Airport.

Securacom was funded by a Kuwaiti-American investment firm whose Board of Directors included Marvin Bush.

Securacom installed a new security system just two weeks prior to 9/11, leaving security cameras inoperable throughout the buildings during that time, and access by large trucks was given between 3 and 5 a.m. the weekend before the 9/11 attacks.

Here’s a video of George Bush learning the news. He was in a Florida elementary classroom listening to the class recite the following words: “Hit, Steel, Plane, Must”. You can’t make these things up.

Have you taken a tour at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum?

It’s heart-wrenching.

Here’s what Donald Trump had to say about the attacks shortly after September 11, 2001.

Trump on 9/11/2001: “I happen to think that they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall.”

Here’s what Donald Trump had to say about the attacks while campaigning in 2015.

Donald Trump in 2015: “You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center”

Here’s a 5 minute video summarizing the events of 9/11.

Why did George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden escalate wars, bloodshed, and destruction instead of bringing our troops back home?

Who funded and organized 9/11? Why?

The truth will shock the world.

Why did it take until the Trump administration to start bringing our troops home after 20 years of endless wars?

What can you make with poppy?

Where does poppy grow?

What is an opium war?

What is the Opioid Epidemic?

Why is Big Pharma against President Trump?

https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-lowering-drug-prices-putting-america-first-2/ – Executive Order on Lowering Drug Prices by Putting America First.

Why did it take until the Trump administration to reduce prescription drug prices for the first time in 51 years?

How did Big Oil become Big Pharma?

Who founded the American Cancer Society? WHO? NIH? Rockefeller?

Do cures exist?

What is more profitable, cured patients or lifetime customers?

Let’s go back to Joe. Have you seen these videos? Would you allow your child to be alone with him after watching these?

Did you hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop? Why did the media cover this story up?

How long did the FBI have the laptop? Why did the FBI cover this story up? Did Joe Biden use his position as VP to sell out our country to China, Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan for his own family’s wealth through the use his son as the front man? Remember his bragging about quid pro quo involving the prosecutor investigating Burisma, the energy holding company that Hunter was for some reason on the Board of Directors of? All of the proof is on the laptop.

Remember when President Trump tweeted this video?

Here’s a former Biden associate with first-hand knowledge and evidence of these bribes blowing the whistle on the corruption.

Does the laptop also contain disturbing images, videos, and texts involving Hunter and his Niece, his dead brother’s daughter? After he had an affair with his death brother’s widow? These people are sick. 

Why did JFK Jr. call Joe Biden a traitor?


What is Dominion Voting?

The matrix should be absolutely shattered once this is all settled.

The Deep State knew they needed to force mass mail-in ballots for the election. They knew they had nobody to compete against President Trump, which is evident by simply comparing crowd sizes at President Trump’s rallies next to the few folks in attendance at Joe’s events.

Let’s compare some images.


One more time for fun.


Think for yourself. Use common sense.

Was the timing of COVID a coincidence considering the things Fauci and Bill Gates have said in previous years?

2017 – Fauci: “There will be a surprise outbreak” in the Trump administration.

2017 – Gates: “I think an epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause, say, 10 million excess deaths.”

How about that Netflix series titled Explained, with its episode titled The Next Pandemic, released in 2019, starring Bill Gates?

https://www.netflix.com/watch/81062202?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C4%2Cf7c6832a7ee4c4e52ffbf0f2a076294169d19b0b%3A8f1a58e202f51a2fd189a9308eecf000a77459fb%2Cf7c6832a7ee4c4e52ffbf0f2a076294169d19b0b%3A8f1a58e202f51a2fd189a9308eecf000a77459fb%2Cunknown%2C – “In this episode from 2019, experts including Bill Gates discuss the history of pandemics, how they spread and what can be done to contain them.”

How about that Netflix series titled Pandemic, released in January of 2020?

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=the%20next%20pandemic&jbv=81026143 – Netflix’s Pandemic series.

What was Event 201 in 2019?

https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ – Event 201

What is ID2020?

Since when did Bill Gates go from being the computer guy to the pandemic guy?

The below tweet was sent one week after Event 201.

Is the timing of these events a coincidence?

Or did they know something we don’t know?

What is predictive programming?

Who is Fauci?

Who was Mother Teresa?

Here’s a picture of Mother Teresa with Mossad agent Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father.

Who is the pope?

Have you ever seen the Pope Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican?

“Teaching from the serpent’s mouth”. What is “truth in plain sight?”

Have you seen the statue that sits behind the pope on stage?

The bible warned us about false prophets.

Who is Bill Gates?

Here’s an interesting picture.

By the way, who is that George Soros fellow pictured above? What organizations does he fund and why is this relevant?

Let’s see what Hillary Clinton has to say about George.

Who was Bill Gates Sr.?

He was on the Board of Directors at what company?

Who was Margaret Sanger?

Back to the topic.

So the they sent out millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots to create maximum chaos and extend the election results, which has been playing out since November 3rd. Outside of the mail-in ballots, a stunning amount of voter fraud evidence and irregularities has been pouring in the past several weeks and will continue to come out until this is all settled. The evidence includes dead people voting, people voting illegally from out of state, people voting in two states, stolen hard drives from voting machines, states not verifying signatures, states abruptly stopping the count, a faked water pipe leakage, not allowing poll-watchers of both sides, losing and discarding ballots, as well as thousands of whistleblowers and witnesses coming forward with sworn affidavits. The list goes on and on. They pulled out all the stops. Why did they stop counting votes on election night in states like PA, MI, WI, GA, NC, AZ, and NV? Why did FOX News project AZ for Biden the moment the polls closed?

Did you think for one second the Trump administration didn’t have the intel and foresight to prepare for this?

Sometimes, you can’t tell the people. You have to SHOW them.

Here are all of President Trump’s tweets regarding a rigged election. There are plenty prior to the November.

Here’s the executive order President Trump made in September of 2018. It is now known that the Dominion Voting machines were connected to various countries like Germany, China, and Iran via the internet and that the Dominion is primarily owned by the Chinese Communist Party. These methods of fraud served as an insurance policy in case the Deep State’s Dominion Voting machines weren’t able to flip enough votes from Joe Biden to President Trump. What is Dominion Voting? What prominent politicians are aware of Dominion’s usage in their own elections? Did the good guys put in safeguards in 2016 to thwart voter fraud then? Did the good guys allow voter fraud to occur in 2018 and 2020 in order to show the public what is transpiring? Will global voter fraud be exposed?

Who is President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani? Didn’t he take down the mob?

What is a statistical anomaly?

Here’s how they did it.

Here’s a review on Dominion Voting, how President Trump won in a landslide and will be elected the 2020 Presidential Election victor.

Just wait until you learn more about these machines.

Here are attorneys Sidney Powell and Lucian Lincoln Wood discussing Dominion Voting and President Trump’s landslide victory.

Hugo Chavez? Venezuela? CIA? What is socialism? What is communism? What is globalism?

Have you heard about what the CCP is doing to Uyghurs? Have you seen the protests for freedom?

While we’re at it, who is AOC?

What is the Green New Deal and what impact would it have? What % taxes would it require from each American? Was income tax, payroll tax, state tax, ect. not enough?

I guess the better question is what is global warming? Oh, sorry, it’s called climate change now. See how the goalposts moved? Hasn’t the climate changed since the beginning of time?

What is the science?

Let’s take a look at what the founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, has to say. Listen closely.

Why does the Trump administration not prioritize climate change as much as Joe and Kamala would have if they were to be legitimately elected? Does President Trump hate the earth or does he know something the cabal doesn’t want us to know?

Here’s a video of JFK at the 1961 UN General Assembly discussing modern day technology and controlling the weather.

JFK in 1961: “We shall propose further cooperative effort between all the nations in weather prediction, and eventually weather control.”

Here’s a video of LBJ talking about modern day technology and controlling the weather from 1962.

LBJ in 1962: “It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world.”

If we’ve achieved the other technological advancements they discuss in those clips, 60 years later, isn’t it possible for man to understand how to manipulate the weather by now?

Here’s a video of CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 openly discussing geoengineering and chemtrails.

So what exactly is climate change and what is its price? Do we really only have 7 years until there’s irreversible damage done, or is that just what they want us to think?

Would the cabal rather have us live in fear or faith? Does God want us live in fear or faith?

Take a look at COVID lockdowns.

What was George Orwell’s book 1984 about?

President Trump, America, and the world will ultimately triumph over the cabal’s attempt to destroy us.

On top of suppressing all positive news and shining a light on any negative and fake news, the media has worked hard to twist the truth and blatantly defame the character of President Trump, which is in part why he coined them Fake News and the Enemy of the People. 

Here are some examples: 

  • “Fine people on both sides.” Did you watch the whole video or just the sound bite? Were the riots in Charlottesville funded and organized? By who? Why?
  • “Stormy Daniels!” Did you know she had to pay President Trump $293,000 in legal fees after her defamation lawsuit was dismissed?
  • “Trump only paid $750 in taxes.” Did you read the whole NYT article where it states he prepaid millions in taxes? Or did you just read the mockingbird media headlines?
  • “Trump is anti-gay!” President Trump is the only President in US history to support gay marriage from his first day in office. Obama and Biden did not support marriage equality in 2008. Did you know at the United Nations, President Trump publicly challenged the 69 countries who make being gay a crime to change their laws? Ric Grenell, Former Director of National Intelligence, was the first openly gay cabinet member in US history under the Trump administration.
  • “Trump is anti-semetic!” His son-in-law and Senior Advisor, Jared Kushner is Jewish along with President Trump’s grandchildren. His daughter, Ivanka Trump, converted to Judaism in 2009. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Why did it take until the Trump Administration to bring peace to the Middle East?
  • “Trump called the troops ‘losers and suckers!'” No he didn’t. Zero corroboration of him saying that. But here’s a video of Joe Biden calling our troops “stupid bastards” to their faces.
  • “Trump is tearing families apart at the border and throwing children in cages.” Obama and Biden built the cages. Do you remember the Central American migrant caravans in 2017? Who funded and organized this effort? For what purpose?
  • “Trump called undocumented immigrants animals”. He was referring to MS-13. What is MS-13? How would you describe drug and human traffickers with the motto, “Kill, Rape, Control”? By the way, what purpose does the Wall serve?

While we’re on the subject, have you paid attention to the Trump administration’s Executive Orders regarding drug and human trafficking? Have you been paying attention to the trafficking rings being busted on a frequent basis around the US?

https://www.whitehouse.gov/search/?s=human+trafficking – Whitehouse . gov –> Search –> human trafficking

https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/ – December of 2017 – Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-enforcing-federal-law-respect-transnational-criminal-organizations-preventing-international-trafficking/ – February of 2017 – Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-fighting-eradicate-human-trafficking/ – January of 2019 – President Donald J. Trump Is Fighting to Eradicate Human Trafficking

https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-combating-human-trafficking-online-child-exploitation-united-states/ – January of 2020 – Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States

This seems like a priority of the Trump administration, doesn’t it?

Why did it take until the Trump administration to spearhead the takedown human trafficking?

That reminds me: What’s up with the whole Jeffrey Epstein situation?

What was the Lolita Express? Have you seen the flight logs?

There are a lot of very interesting names on the flight logs.

Why did the media cover this story up?

Why is Barak Obama spelled the way it is?

Why is there a “Jeffrey” Epstein as well as a “Jeffery” Epstein?

Why was Jeffrey Epstein’s name spelled “Jeffery” on his toe tag?

Why did the media cover this story up?

Here’s a video of ABC News anchor Amy Robach on a hot mic discussing her Epstein story being covered up.

Why did the FBI cover this story up? How long did the FBI know?

Below are some excerpts from Epstein victim, Virginia Robert Giuffre’s testimony.

Who else was connected, you know, other than Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew?

The picture on the left is of Prince Andrew with Ghislaine Maxwell Virginia Roberts Giuffre that the FBI had since 2011. The cut-out picture in the middle is of Prince Andrew poking his head out the front door of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.

What was the significance of the temple at Epstein island?

Does that look familiar? What is “truth in plain sight”?

What was underneath the temple?

Why did Epstein spend tens of thousands of dollars filling tunnels on the island with cement?

Would you believe prominent politicians and celebrities worship Satan?

Here’s a weird picture of Obama.

Here’s a weird exchange found in the Clinton Wikileaks.

https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/14333 – Clinton emails mention Moloch.

What is chicken code for?

Who is Moloch?

Here’s a weird sketch of the 50-foot owl the elites have ceremonies in front of once a year at Bohemian Grove in California. Have you heard of Bohemian Grove? The Cremation of Care?

Here’s a video of Alex Jones discussing sneaking into Bohemian Grove in 2000 with former presidential advisor David Gergen. Gergen doesn’t seem too happy.

What is the occult?

Have you heard of Marina Abromovic?

Here’s a weird picture of her and Lord Jacob Rothschild in front of a painting titled, “Satan Summoning His Legions“.

Here’s a weird email from Marina to John Podesta from Wikileaks.

What is “Spirit Cooking”?

Here’s a picture of her and Lady Gaga doing weird elitist shit.

Here’s another weird picture of Lady Gaga.

Here’s a disturbing video titled, “The Abramovic Method Practiced by Lady Gaga”.

Brace yourselves. *NSFW* (contains nudity)

Who is Ray Chandler?

Why did the media cover this story up?

By the way, this painting was displayed in Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. Isn’t that weird?

How is blackmail used? These people are sick.

Here’s a picture of Bill Gates with his associate Jeffrey Epstein.

Why were they associates?

Was it all about philanthropy?

Why did it take until the Trump administration to arrest Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Maxwell has a submarine license for what purpose?

What other prominent celebrities and politicians own islands in close proximity to Epstein Island?

Who were Maxwell’s parents?

What is Mossad?

Why was Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010?

Here’s a video of Epstein’s victim’s lawyer defending Trump. He says Donald Trump was the only person of significance who volunteered and came forward with incriminating information. Trump also banned Epstein from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in 2007.

Trump must have known a lot about the elite class for a long time. Besides, he doesn’t partake in alcohol, drugs, and taboo like the elite do. Here are some videos of him calling out Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew for their involvement with Jeffrey Epstein’s island.

2015 – Donald Trump: “Bill Clinton’s got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein. A lot of problems.”

2015 – Donald Trump: “The island was a cesspool. Just ask Prince Andrew, he’ll tell you about it.”

2019 – President Trump: “Did Bill Clinton go to the island? That’s the question. If you find that out, you’re going to know a lot.”

If Hillary Clinton were elected President, would Jeffrey Epstein still be alive today?

Would Harvey Weinstein be locked up?

If Harvey Weinstein was an open secret, why did the Obamas allow Malia to intern for his company?

If Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, then who did?

Also, what’s up with the Pizzagate / Pedowood stuff?

That shit is really weird too. Why does the media cover this story up?

What does Obama mean by this? Joe can go deep on pasta?

2011 – Donald Trump: “I was watching between Pizzagate and Anthony Weinergate.”

This was several years before Pizzagate surfaced and spread throughout social media like wildfire.

How do the Clinton emails relate? What’s in the “Life Insurance” file on Anthony Weiner’s laptop?

Here is Sidney Powell, General Michael Flynn’s attorney, discussing the contents of Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

12 individuals originally analyzed Anthony Weiner’s laptop which contains incriminating information on Hillary Clinton and other powerful individuals in the US.

Did you know 9 of those 12 people, including NYPD officers, are dead now?

How is John Podesta involved? Have you seen his brother Tony’s art?

Who is all involved in this?

Way bigger than you can imagine.

What’s a more disturbing place, Washington DC or Hollywood?

Could Disney and Nickelodeon possibly be involved?

What is an open secret?

Did good people try to expose this?

Isaac Kappy seemed to know. But then he “jumped” off a bridge onto Route 66 and was ran over by a car one month after Tom Hanks posted this picture.

That’s pretty weird.

So Isaac Kappy made several livestream Periscopes calling out dozens of prominent figures in the entertainment industry of being involved in pedophilia. And then he suffered a tragic premature death.

What other prominent figures have paid the price for trying to expose this?


Watch the video. Read the comment section.

Who else?

Chester Bennington?

Here are pictures of Laurance Rockefeller, John Podesta, and Chester Bennington.

Jeffrey Epstein was on the Board of Directors of the Rockefeller Institute?

Chris Cornell? What were Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington working on at the time of their deaths? Silent Children?

Paul Walker, the star of the Fast and Furious films, died in a car crash at the age of 40?

Kate Spade?

Robin Williams?

Kurt Cobain?

Anthony Bourdain?

Andrew Brietbart?

Michael Jackson??

That’s a lot of premature deaths.

The list goes on.

Who is all involved in this?

What does “panda eyes” mean?

Here is Lady Gaga in “panda eyes”.

Here is Bill Gates in between “panda eyes”.

Is this comedy?

Here’s Tom Hanks in between “panda eyes”.

Is this comedy?

What is “truth in plain sight”?

These people are sick.

Here’s a picture Oprah posted with Hanks and Gayle King in 2013.

Is that a black eye? He’s not allowed to talk? Is that clock made with… hot dogs? Weird.

Here’s another picture of Oprah enjoying an interview with John of God. Who is John of God? Look him up.

Did you know Oprah has a Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa where there have been several sex scandals that the public is aware of?

What was discussed at this meeting in 2009 and other meetings the general public is not aware of?

Also, what was NXVIM? I loved Allison Mack in Smallville.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXKJyh_rl0I – The Vow on HBO Trailer – NXVIM.

Have you heard about the Netflix original series they released recently titled Cuties?

Who funds and controls Netflix?

These people are sick.

Who is Laura Silsby? Following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the Clinton associate was caught attempting to traffic 33 children out of Haiti. Her charges were reduced from “conspiracy” and “child abduction” to “arranging irregular travel”.

She then changed her named to Laura Gayler and was hired as VP of Marketing at AlertSense, the company who provides technology to AmberAlert, the child abduction emergency alert system.

You can’t make these things up. Once again, these people are sick.

Why did President Trump, in a room full of military, hint that there is a storm coming?

“What storm, Mr. President?”

“You’ll find out.”

I mentioned Trump’s ancestry earlier and would like to make one last point before wrapping up.

Were you taught who Nikola Tesla was in school?

Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, engineer, and futurist, regarded as one of the most brilliant minds in human history.

He is most commonly known for inventing alternating current, which effectively powers most of our world today.

He is also attributed to developing and inventing the remote control, violet ray electrotherapy, wireless telegraphy, the induction motor, amongst others.
Why weren’t we taught about Tesla in school?

Tesla spent much of his life toward determining how to harness the energy of the earth to create free energy. What was Nikola Tesla’s idea of free energy? Why would industrialists in his time oppose free energy? Why did JP Morgan stop funding his work?

Here are two pictures of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower in Long Island, NY.

Why is this relevant?

President Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, was too an inventor, an engineer, and a physicist who was responsible for developing one of the first million-volt X-ray generators. He is also credited for developing rotational radiation therapy.

When Nikola Tesla died, the FBI ordered the Alien Property Custodian Office to seize Tesla’s belongings.  One of the few individuals called into analyze Tesla’s life findings was none other than John G. Trump.

Through the looking glass?

God only knows what knowledge and information could have been passed down to President Trump.

What is the Socratic Method?

Allow me to conclude with 2 final points. 

  1. Along with the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory hoax and the phony Ukraine “impeachment”, we are currently witnessing the third and final attempted coup d’état on President Trump launched by the Deep State. This effort will inevitably fail and The Great Reset will be overcome by The Great Awakening. The power of love is stronger than hate. The love Americans have for President Trump far outweighs the hatred for him. The Deep State and cabal grossly underestimated the power of social media as a means of uncovering and spreading truth. Every lie will be revealed. Bad actors will be held accountable for their crimes, justice will be restored, and the power will be returned to The People.
  2. We constantly have the world of information at the fingertips in this smart phone era. But a lot of us have no idea what’s going on. I encourage those who are not caught up on things to use this limitless resource of information that is unique only to our time in history. I also encourage people to research for themselves, seek independent investigative journalism, and to take what they hear from the mainstream media with a grain of salt. Seek truth, critically think for yourself, use discernment, expand your thinking, and consider all sources and perspectives. The more you search for the truth, the clearer the truth will be. Is ignorance simply bliss? Well, they say knowledge is power. The definition of ignorance is, “lack of knowledge or awareness in general.” This means ignorance is lack of power. The less we know, the more power we forfeit. This is informational, psychological, spiritual warfare, but The People, TRUTH, and God will prevail. 


Plot Against the President (Obamagate): https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Against-President-Devin-Nunes/dp/B08LMJ93LL

Out of Shadows: https://www.outofshadows.org/

Plandemic: https://plandemicseries.com/

From JFK to 9/11 – Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick:

9/11 Explosive Evidence – Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Thrive: https://vimeo.com/41028165

Fall of the Cabal: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/kcgRt6O0v6Sn/

Fall of the Cabal Sequel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gMt9oDxPNlmx/ (Parts 1-4 of 17 of the sequel are posted on Bitchute)


How Big Oil Conquered the World:

Why Big Oil Conquered the World:

The Vow (NXVIM): https://www.hbo.com/the-vow

Trump speech weeks before the 2016 Election:

Trump 2016 Inauguration speech:

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